Non-Euclidean Worlds Engine

Here’s a demo of a rendering engine I’ve been working on that allows for non-euclidean worlds. What kind of sorcery is this?! 🤯 I do wonder what would happen when multiple players are walking around simultaneously, and how objects that pass through the tunnels would behave. NonEuclidean (GitHub) → Related: How were the portals in …

Portal Prelude

Welcome to Aperture Laboratories! Long before GLaDOS ever ran the facility, step into the shoes of a test subject and test the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (ASHPD) for yourself! Test your way through 38 devious test chambers using Portals, in addition to many other intriguing gameplay elements such as plasma balls and electric fields. …

Mari0 Released!

Mari0, the game that cleverly mixes Super Mario Bros. and Portal, has been released over the weekend. Available for Mac, Windows & Linux. Source included (written in LÖVE) Download Mari0 → UPDATE The 1.1 download seems broken on OS X. Can be fixed by viewing the package contents and deleting from the Resources Package …