Installing old OS X versions: fixing “OS X could not be installed on your computer”

Here in Belgium schools are locked down due to #coronavirus. With the school of my two oldest kids now switching to remote teaching, I took the time to set up my old MacBook Pro (model late 2008) for my two oldest kids to use. That didn’t go without any hiccups though: the OS X installer …

Disable all Keyboard and Trackpad Input with Little Fingers

If you have a toddler running around, Little Fingers by Shaun Inman – who created it for his own need – will come in handy. Little fingers want to explore. Press Shift + Control + Option + Command + L to lock down your Keyboard, Trackpad, Touch Bar, and/or Mouse. Press it again to unlock. …

Targetting the OS X System Font in CSS

body { font-family: system-font, -webkit-system-font, -apple-system-font, “.SFNSDisplay-Regular”, HelveticaNeue, LucidaGrande; } On a fresh install of OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) there’s no San Francisco font installed. But it’s the system font, so how is this possible? Hence the sort of magic above to actually get it working. I Left My System Fonts in San Francisco …

Mavericks Multiple Screens vs Jumping Dock

When working with Dual/Multiple Screens in OS X Mavericks and having “Displays have separate spaces” switched on, I noticed that the dock would unpredictably switch monitors from time to time. Fed up with this I spent a Google Search Coupon on the issue and guess what: it’s not a bug, it’s a(n undocumented) feature. To …

Building OS X Apps with JavaScript

OS X Yosemite introduced JavaScript for Automation. This makes it possible to access native OS X frameworks with JavaScript. The result above can be built using this code: ObjC.import(“Cocoa”); var styleMask = $.NSTitledWindowMask | $.NSClosableWindowMask | $.NSMiniaturizableWindowMask; var windowHeight = 85; var windowWidth = 600; var ctrlsHeight = 80; var minWidth = 400; var minHeight …

Making ‘git rebase’ Safe on OS X

When performing a large rebase with several commits and many changed files on OS X 10.7+, the rebase process can randomly abort, stating that there are uncommitted changes and rebase cannot continue. However, a git status does not report any changes. Fix is to set core.trustctime to false. Run the command below to do so: …