Strategies for Derailing a React Conversation

Fun list tweeted just now by Redux creator Dan Abramov: Strategies for derailing a React conversation: HOC vs render props Is binding functions expensive CSS in JS PATENTS Redux Web Components class vs className <If> Size of node_modules Context I wonder which ones, if any, will matter in three years. Always keep questioning the status …


The only .css file you’ll ever need, following the most recent CSS methodologies where you define just about everything in separate classes. Usage is really easy: Take any CSS rule you want to apply, replace : by -, and dots by -dot-, and you get the name of the corresponding universal css classname. For instance, …

OreillyCover Twitter Bot

In succession to those hilarious The Practical Developer Book Covers, the Twitter bot @OreillyCover has been created by @GNUmanth. It allows you to roll your own book covers by just tweeting at it. Feed the bot tweets using the following format: @OreillyCover /orly {title};{topText};{author} Tweeting @OreillyCover /orly Hanging out on Slack;Being unproductive without feeling guilty …

How To Lose Weight In 4 Easy Steps!

If you are going to watch only one movie today, make sure it’s this one. Great stuff, even if you’re not looking to lose any weight at all: 3.) HAVE YOUR HEART BROKEN And not just broken; shattered. Into itsy bitsy tiny little pieces, by a girl who never loved you and never will. (via …